Low Back Pain With Sitting And Driving? Normal Day To Day Activities Limited

Does your low back pain limit sitting? Is it hard to drive because you are in so much pain? Regular life just seem to be painful? 😖 We understand!

Low back pain is the most prevalent pain with > 86% of people experiencing 1-2 bouts of severe episodes that interferes with their normal functions and day to day living! In fact, it is arguably one of the most over treated and mismanaged conditions within the medical field! Being human, it is normal to worry, and actually low back pain has been surveyed to be the most worried about condition. But we must be aware that this concern and worry can drive a lot of what has been in history, a gross mismanagement of low back pain.

In fact, research shows:

❌ From 1996 to 2013 spending in the US on low back pain and neck pain increased by 57.2 billion dollars

❌This spending did not yield any population based improvements, but rather a plateau in functional outcomes and no improvements

❌Experts point at medical providers and patients over valuing their symptoms, leading to unnecessary and aggressive action

❌Aggressive action trends reveal overuse of advanced imaging, unnecessary injection and opioid prescription and ill-advised surgery with resultant poor outcomes

So what is the solution?? Great question 🙋‍♀️

Understanding low back pain and pain in general can help us navigate the waters!

Knowing that the research tells us that:

✅75% of low back pain resolves on its own if normal and appropriate activity is maintained

✅25% becomes chronic and can be linked to fearing and avoiding certain activities vs over-doing and pushing through activities that makes our symptoms worse

✅Knowing the research shows 99% of the low back pain is not serious. ie it is not cancerous, an infection or a fracture

✅Knowing that 90% is considered common and non specific. Ie we are not able to accurately assess a tissue source, but this does not mean we can not understand the movement that aggravate it or ease it, which helps with proper results driven treatment

✅Understanding the research shows 5-10% can be associated with involvement of the nervous system and what is called neurologic deficits, ie things that would cause your physio or MD to want to get an image, for example weakness and numbness in your leg that is not improving with time and modifications

So what can be done?

✅Stay positive!

✅Stay active, but appropriately so

✅If It doesn’t seem to be getting better in 4-6 weeks and is worsening, find a Physical Therapist/Physio you trust

✅Get the right movement and hands on treatment

✅Work on exercises and strengthening that makes you feel better, not worse.

Call 📱 or email us if you want to set up in person evaluation, or online consultation! We can help!


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